PROFILE:- TMahatma Gandhi Institute Of Open Schooling was intended to be a medium of making education easy for students who are unable to attend regular classes. The challenge before us was to make the instructional delivery of curriculum convenient and as effective as regular classes for the students. It had to be a well-planned and organized extended learning endeavor which allowed students to pursue other activities without affecting their learning. Reaching out to them through the online medium was an excellent way to deliver educational resources and nullify the location constraint
The National policy on Education suggested strengthening of MGIOS for extending open learning facilities in a phased manner at secondary and Sr. Secondary levels all over the country and abroad as an independent system with its own curriculum and examination leading to awarding of certificates. This was intended to address the needs of students on working professionals in India and abroad to further the cause of spreading education.
Mahatma Gandhi Institute Of Open Schooling was intended to be a medium of making education easy for students who are unable to attend regular classes. The challenge before us was to make the instructional delivery of curriculum convenient and as effective as regular classes for the students. It had to be a well-planned and organized extended learning endeavor which allowed students to pursue other activities without affecting their learning. Reaching out to them through the online medium was an excellent way to deliver educational resources and nullify the location constraint
Spreading the cause of making education convenient through the internet was a novel initiative suggested by the National Policy on Education and we took this opportunity to start MGIOS. The way our instructional deliver and online facilitation of educational courses have expanded in India and abroad, it is a fulfillment of our aspiration to play a pivotal role on making education convenient for students all over the world.
You can choose subjects from the scheme of studies given in table. However, you will be required to successfully complete a minimum of five subjects with at least one language or at most two languages, which is compulsory for certification.